We're Unlocking Borderless Digital Opportunity Without Barriers for Africa's Brilliant Youth

The global digital skills gap is widening, digital transformation is increasing, and the emerging creative workforce is being under-utilized. We decided to do something about it.


Africa's youth hold the key to the continent's development.

By 2030, young Africans are expected to constitute 42% of global youth and 75% of those under age 35 in Africa.

Africa's youth hold the key to the continent's development.

By 2030, young Africans are expected to constitute 42% of global youth and 75% of those under age 35 in Africa.

Africa's youth hold the key to the continent's development.

By 2030, young Africans are expected to constitute 42% of global youth and 75% of those under age 35 in Africa.

$3 Trillion Digital Exportable Services Market Opportunity.

The current worldwide market for digital exportable services, yet Africa’s share is less than one percent (1%).

$3 Trillion Digital Exportable Services Market Opportunity.

The current worldwide market for digital exportable services, yet Africa’s share is less than one percent (1%).

$3 Trillion Digital Exportable Services Market Opportunity.

The current worldwide market for digital exportable services, yet Africa’s share is less than one percent (1%).

A $7.4Trillion Economy.

Size of the global digital creative economy by 2030. Africa currently isn't actively participating in exploring opportunities to position itself as a player in that economy.

A $7.4Trillion Economy.

Size of the global digital creative economy by 2030. Africa currently isn't actively participating in exploring opportunities to position itself as a player in that economy.

A $7.4Trillion Economy.

Size of the global digital creative economy by 2030. Africa currently isn't actively participating in exploring opportunities to position itself as a player in that economy.

The pace of digital transformation exposes a growing gap that needs to be bridged.

WEF estimates that 77% of jobs will require digital skills by 2030, and that 150 million new technology jobs will be created globally over the next five years.

The pace of digital transformation exposes a growing gap that needs to be bridged.

WEF estimates that 77% of jobs will require digital skills by 2030, and that 150 million new technology jobs will be created globally over the next five years.

The pace of digital transformation exposes a growing gap that needs to be bridged.

WEF estimates that 77% of jobs will require digital skills by 2030, and that 150 million new technology jobs will be created globally over the next five years.

Our Impact GOAL🎯

To unlock meaningful career pathways to the continental & global digital-creative industries for 10 Million+ brilliant youth in Africa by 2045.

To unlock meaningful career pathways to the continental & global digital-creative industries for 10 Million+ brilliant youth in Africa by 2045.

  • Meaningful & Flexible Digital Work

    Developing a consistent pipeline of long-term and short-term meaningful digital work opportunities for our talents.

  • Digital Softwares Technical Training

    Imparting hands-on online & offline learning experiences with skill assessments that produce job-ready candidates to be absorbed into our talent pipeline.

  • Upskilling & Continuous Development Programs

    Upskilling talents in collaboration with our ecosystem partners so as to enable talents in the Brandr pipeline own or chart new career paths.

  • Support Tools, Mentorship Programs & Digital Resources

    Enhancing work retention and reduce turnover by enabling our talents' have access to quality Support Programs through mentorship, tools and other digital resources.

  • Talent Development, Management & Placement

    Identifying, developing and managing untapped African digital talent through Brandr Career Pathway Programs and the Brandr Pipeline.

  • Digital Work Policy Development

    Developing impactful Digital Work Policies that benefit the African Digital Workforce who comprises of mostly youth.

Talent 🤝 Opportunity

Through engagement with industry and ecosystem players, we are seeking to develop programs, policies and partnerships that harness the youth demographic dividend and expand earning opportunities for young people in Africa through:

Meaningful Digital Work

Developing a consistent pipeline of long-term and short-term meaningful digital work opportunities for our talents.

Digital Softwares Technical Training

Imparting hands-on online & offline learning experiences with skill assessments that produce job-ready candidates to be absorbed into our talent pipeline.

Upskilling & Continuous Development Programs

Upskilling talents in collaboration with our ecosystem partners so as to enable talents in the Brandr pipeline own or chart new career paths.

Support Tools, Mentorship Programs & Digital Resources

Enhancing work retention and reduce turnover by enabling our talents' have access to quality Support Programs through mentorship, tools and other digital resources.

Talent Development, Management & Placement

Identifying, developing and managing untapped African digital talent through Brandr Career Pathway Programs and the Brandr Pipeline.

Digital Work Policy Development

Developing impactful Digital Work Policies that benefit the African Digital Workforce who comprises of mostly youth.

Our Impact is aligned to the SDG Goals

We are working towards a world where African digital-creative talents are included, appreciated and thriving in the global creative economy. Every task, project and job has a significant and measurable social impact and supports the development of competent African digital-creative talents.



Building a Digital World that Works for African Girls, Women and Marginalized Groups

Building a Digital World that Works for African Girls, Women and Marginalized Groups

Women in the global south face a significant digital divide and despite significant progress in recent years, African girls and women still face numerous challenges in accessing and benefiting from digital technology. Brandr is actively bridging this divide by prioritizing the engagement of women in our programs as well as in our talent pipeline.

Women in the global south face a significant digital divide and despite significant progress in recent years, African girls and women still face numerous challenges in accessing and benefiting from digital technology. Brandr is actively bridging this divide by prioritizing the engagement of women in our programs as well as in our talent pipeline.



Decent Work & Economic Growth for Africa's Youth Digital Workforce

Decent Work & Economic Growth for Africa's Youth Digital Workforce

Sustained and inclusive economic growth drives progress, create decent jobs for all and improve living standards. Brandr aims to spur economic growth in Africa through better digital work for the continent's emerging youth demographic.

Sustained and inclusive economic growth drives progress, create decent jobs for all and improve living standards. Brandr aims to spur economic growth in Africa through better digital work for the continent's emerging youth demographic.

SDG 10

SDG 10

Reduced Inequalities for Africa's Youth Digital Workforce

Reduced Inequalities for Africa's Youth Digital Workforce

Inequality within and among African countries is a persistent cause for concern. Ensuring no young talent is left behind is integral to achieving the UN's SDG's as well as our Impact mission. That’s why we are first and foremost focusing our Talent development in Africa, where they need it the most.

Inequality within and among African countries is a persistent cause for concern. Ensuring no young talent is left behind is integral to achieving the UN's SDG's as well as our Impact mission. That’s why we are first and foremost focusing our Talent development in Africa, where they need it the most.

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Your support of Brandr ensures equal access to opportunities in the digital economy. Fill out the form below and let's start on a new, fulfilling journey together. We are more than happy to discuss the benefits of our collaboration.

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